About Our Money Back Guarantee for Traffic Tickets
Hiring a traffic ticket attorney should never feel like a gamble. Although we can never guarantee a result, we can remove the risk of hiring us.
We believe so strongly in our service we offer a Money Back Guarantee.
We will provide a full refund (no questions asked) if:
- The original moving violation you hired us for was found committed after a contested hearing, and there was no fine reduction.
We will provide a partial refund if:
- The original moving violation is found committed after a contested hearing, but there was a reduction in the fine;
- The original moving violation was changed to a less serious moving violation; OR
- We entered into a deferred finding for the original moving violation on your behalf.
We will provide no refund if:
- Your ticket is dismissed or amended to a non-moving violation;
- You can either have your ticket dismissed or amended to a non-moving violation by taking a defensive driving course; OR
- You turned down an offer that would have reduced your moving violation to a non-moving violation, and you told us to contest the ticket regardless of the outcome at the contested hearing.
Please Note:
Our money-back guarantee only applies to civil traffic infractions with only one moving violation on your traffic ticket. The money-back guarantee is not applicable if multiple moving violations exist on the same traffic ticket. We handle non-moving violations at no additional costs and thus are not included in the money-back guarantee. The money-back guarantee does not apply to Grays Harbor District Court or Skagit County District Court.